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This DVD is interpreted for the hearing impaired. It is not closed captioned.

In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus pointed out that anger leads to murder. Probably the number one thing that is spiritually killing the children in Bible-believing homes and churches is the anger of one or both of the parents. Anger also destroys the oneness between a husband and wife. Many parents think their wrath is justified by their children’s disobedience and rebellion. It is more likely that the rebellion is caused and escalated by the anger. Your anger isn’t caused by what is outside you; it is caused by what is happening inside you. Anger usually comes from either pride or tension from unresolved guilt.

God describes anger as:
  • A city without walls
  • An unbearable load
  • A flood
  • A poisonous snake
  • A fire-breathing dragon.
Here are seven key thoughts to stop
Anger the Destroyer.

Running time: 59 minutes
This DVD is interpreted for the hearing impaired. It is not closed captioned.

Proverbs 19:19 is a very significant verse for any angry person: "A man of great wrath shall suffer punishment: for if thou deliver him, yet thou must do it again." People who live with an angry person are continually having to "deliver him." In fact, they wind up doing it again and again and again.

Anger costs:
  1. The Time of others to deal with YOUR problem.
  2. Your own Testimony destroyed by the foolish things and the mean things that you do.
  3. The loss of your greatest earthly Treasure--the angry person destroys his relationships with the people he loves.

Running time: 53 minutes