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Standing Alone
Standing Alone | Solve Family Problems

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An extremely rare but desperately needed person is the young person who is: 1.) a born again believer in Jesus Christ; 2.) who knows what he believes; 3.) who is willing to stand up for what he believes; 4.) even if it means he has to STAND ALONE. “Standing alone is the heritage of those who know they have a superior way of life.” The ultimate test for a Christian is not how he acts inside the walls of a church or inside the walls of a Christian home. The ultimate test is how he acts when he is around a crowd in the world who would still cry out, “Crucify Him!” if given the opportunity. This is a powerful challenge to youth to STAND ALONE in proclaiming God's truth and in doing what is right.

Running time: 64 minutes

Standing Alone

Average Rating: Average Rating: 5 of 5 5 of 5 Total Reviews: 2 Write a review »

  0 of 0 people found the following review helpful:
5 of 5 January 1, 2023
Reviewer: Aarin Pearson from STAR, ID United States  

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  0 of 0 people found the following review helpful:
5 of 5 Standing alone December 18, 2018
Reviewer: Terry Thrun from Fort Oglethorpe, GA United States  
Love this message.   Its rare to find someone like this today.

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